Yeah! Back to back milestones baby! Butchey Hudson here. Hope everyone in the New England area survived the earthquake last night. Momma says I am not a good watchdog because I didn’t even stir on the couch when the shaking started. Well what did I know, it sounded like that hairless pup ripping those big belches like she does.
Anyway – Yup, last Sunday I celebrated my 16 month ampuversary and then on Monday, I turned 8 years old!!! Momma and Dada went to some big place called Ikea and got me three of my very favorite soccer balls. I love them! I have them in all 3 colors, black, blue and red. Momma said my old ones were getting much too gross. She calls them “slobber sponges”. They had been washed, and sewed at the Stuffectomy Triage Center too many times. Here is a picture of me with my new red one.
Momma says I like to suckle them. She has a funny nick-name for me when I chill out on the couch with them, but she says that the name is inappropriate to be repeated here on I’m not sure what inappropriate means…because I like to smell butts. I guess humans think that is inappropriate, too.
I really really really love my soccer balls and I can’t go to bed without at least one of them. But sometimes I like to take other toys to bed. I really like big stuffed things. Last Easter, Momma got me Big Blue Bunny. He spends a LOT of time in Stuffectomy Triage, but he has it coming. Him and those big floppy ears of his, he is just asking for me to rip them off! Now, I have a little reminder for all you folks with Tripawds. Sometimes we need help getting up the stairs with our big toys. Of course, I can easily get up the stairs with my soccer balls. But Big Blue Bunny is big, and I have tripped going up the stairs when I drag him up to go to bed. So I have learned to whine at the bottom of the stairs and either Momma or Dada will come back downstairs and carry him up the stairs for me. I am not sure why they don’t carry him up in their mouths like I do. Must be because they have those thumbs. Sometimes I wish I had thumbs…but whining does work.
So what else…Oh Yeah. So my Auntie from Virginia came up to see ME, and I suppose Lola and the hairless pup, too. But she brought my cousin Charlie with her. (Big grumbling sigh). Momma says I was not on my best behavior. In fact, she says I was very rude to him. Well in my defense, he came in here with MY Auntie and then he tried to play with Lola. She is MY sister. MINE. He even posed for this picture with the hairless pup. The nerve!

So I fixed his butt. Or at least I tried to. I tried to start a fight with him, but he wouldn’t partake. So I woofed at him, and then I dropped to the floor like my 1 back leg went out from underneath me. I figured everyone would think he was a bad boy and knocked the 3 legged dog with cancer to the ground. But he scooted off too quickly when I feigned my fall, and I think everyone was onto my clever ruse.
Momma wants me to mention that I am taking a new mushroom product to fight my cancer. I’ve been on it for about 3 weeks now. It is called I’m Yunity. There was a study released by U Penn in September I think. The study was done on 15 dogs with splenic hemangiosarcoma and had very good results. The mushroom is specifically Coriolus versicolor. The press release link is here, and the study link is here. She says we will keep posting in the blog about how I am doing with it.
Well that is it for now! Remember to keep those Halloween chocolate candies away from all your dogs when it is trick or treat time soon. Did somebody say TREAT????!!!!