Here is a July update. Some stuff fun, some stuff not so fun. Fun stuff first!
So, we got to go up to the lake house and go swimming! Then, I had my 25th Month Ampuversary. Hooray! That was on July 14. Then the Hairless Pup had her BIG ONE. Then the day after that, Little Miss Perfect had her 7th birthday. Here are some pictures!
I sure did have a bigger butt when I had 4 legs.
Lola just likes to dig in the sand. She is not a strong swimmer.
Lola….She’s always getting in my way.
Here’s the official family photo for the Hairless Pup’s one year birthday:
Notice how WE have hats on and The HP does NOT. She cried and cried when they tried to put the hat on her. Did we cry??? Nooooo, we were good dogs. But The HP did NOT get any cheese after either. So HUH!
They had a big shin-dig at home for The HP, and Lola & I were ‘quarantined to the comforts of upstairs.’ Or at least that was the spin they put on it for us. I suspect the plates of chicken wings and chocolate cake downstairs might have been the cause for keeping us upstairs. I do have a history with chocolate cake, oh so many years ago. I can still taste the sticky gooey frosting in my jowls. (Right before they made me puke it all up.)
And….Little Miss Perfect turned 7. Hmmmph. I tried to photo bomb her, but it doesn’t look like I was too successful.
Momma says Lola went and had a “spa day” for her birthday. She can’t fool me, I know what happened to her because Lola came back smelling all flowery and showing me her Brazilian. Momma says I got out of going, because I can’t stand on a grooming table with 3 legs and they give me a bath here at home every 3 weeks because of my skin allergies anyway. I guess there are some perks…and doG knows, I don’t need a Brazilian.
OK , so here is the not so fun stuff: I had my very last chemo treatment (I suppose that’s good stuff, depending on how you look at it.) I have developed a “cough” and I have developed a limp in my front right leg. I am not feeling like a spring chicken at the moment. Momma and Dada have upped their fuss factor over me. I can’t even take a pee in peace. Of course, I guess I never did, now that I think about it.
Also we have a had a few emails inquiring about some of my treatments. Here is a link to the mushroom stuff I’m on:
So that is it for now. Until next time…keep on keepin’ on.