4 Month Ampuversary & My 7th Birthday!

Must mean I’m getting eggs!  Although I do miss pumpkin treats, Momma says flour can’t be a part of my diet for now.

So today is my 4 month ampuversary and tomorrow I turn 7 years old.  Momma & Dada can’t believe I’m going to be 7.  But time flies when you’re chasing balls.

I am doing pretty good after my 5th chemo treatment.  My doc just called with my day 10 CBC results and I am going to have to get rechecked again in 3 to 4 days to make sure my white blood cell count and my neutrophils go back up.  I might need to stay on Baytril a few extra days because I am at risk of infection.  She is very nice and she called late on a Friday to tell us.  Momma says my doctors are nicer and call more to check on me than her doctors do for her.  Ha ha ha!

Momma got me a peanut from FitPaws and I’ve been having a lot of fun with that.  My sister Lola tries to out perform me, but she forgets that she has 4 legs.  Showoff!  I still work with my balance disk, but we needed to do a bit more.  I’ve also put on 2 pounds, so Momma & Dada are relieved that I am gaining back some weight.

Me on my FitPaws Balance Disk

We’ve been looking at booties for me for the winter.  We were looking at PAWZ (pawsdogboots.com) and at ruffwear.com at the Grip Trex or Polar Trex.  If anyone has any feedback, let us know.  Momma is particularly worried about me on ice this winter.  We live in Massachusetts and I LOVE the snow.

We also had some sad news.  One of my fellow Rally-O doggie friends, Amy, is sick with cancer.  They are not sure if it is melanoma or lymphoma yet.  I think they find out on Monday at her vet appointment.  My Momma and her Momma always hang out together at Rally trials.  Please keep Big Sweet Amy and her Momma in your thoughts.


6 thoughts on “4 Month Ampuversary & My 7th Birthday!

  1. Hooray for 7 years old and your 4 month ampuversary. You look very cute on your peanut!

    We have not done the boots for Abby, so no feedback there. (We live in sunny San Diego, so she hasn’t really needed them. Plus I’m pretty sure she would just eat them.)
    Sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer bites. We hate it.
    Enjoy your eggs!
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  2. congrats on your ampuversary and birthday!!! we’ll have some cheese here in ET and celebrate for you all weekend. we are sorry to hear your friend amy isn’t feeling well – gayle also is fighting the melanoma, so we know it’s a poopy thing to happen to your friend. we’ll send our best ‘ET juju’ to amy, hoping she gets good news from her vet and her momma can stop worrying. hugs!

    charon & gayle

  3. Happy Ampuversary! And a very Happy Birthday! That’s a Double- Wham-o-Rama of Celebrating! You should post your celebrations on the forums so we all can cheer! https://tripawds.com/forums/ Plus we all like any excuse to have some extra treats – both human and dog!
    Here’s to many more celebrations!

  4. Happy birthday and ampuversary! Let us know what boots you get. Rumbles needs some, I think. Winter is just around the corner and I’m not sure how he’s going to get around in the snow/ice. I tried anti-slip socks this summer and he hated them.

  5. Happy birthday and ampuversary! I hope you get some eggs! Looking good on your peanut as well! We didn’t get to the point of needing the boots for Chili Dawg, but I had started to look into them, because he loved the snow too- must be a golden retriever thing 🙂 Sorry about your friend, Amy. We will send her some positive thoughts! Give Lola a head butt from Finchy.

  6. Hey Butchmeister! You’re looking extra handsome standing there on your balance disc! I have one too! Maybe we can have a PT party sometime and show them 4 leggers just how PT work is done! 🙂 If you find a GOOD ice boot, let my Mom know as she’s been searching since I’ve been a Tripawd….ice SUCKS for us Tripawders..the first winter I was a Tripawd we had LOTS of
    ice 🙁 I’m sorry to hear about Amy…do we know her? What breed is she? I’m sorry I’m a little behind on your blog as Mom has to type for me and she was gone with my bratty little sister to CT for a visit and she said I couldn’t go…too many stairs at her brother’s house.
    Happy birthday and Ampuversary dude!!!


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