Hi everyone, Butchey Hudson here.
Momma says we ought to post an update on how my last NEVOG appointment went. I feel fine! I don’t know what all this fuss is about!
Anyway, Momma says we need to name these 2 nodules that are in my lungs. Momma was thinking an evil duo, but at the risk of antagonizing them, we’re just going to call them Felix and Oscar. You know, like the Odd Couple?
So it appears that Felix hasn’t changed much in the past 6 weeks or so. Still about 8-10 mm. But Oscar is putting on some weight. He was 6mm last time and is now 1.2 cm. Momma says we have to think and stay pawsitive!!
So we are adding doxycycline back into my metronomic protocol. Our doc also mentioned a drug called Leukeran, but we are hesitant to change drugs after what happened with Palladia. But if anyone has any experience with it, we’d love to hear about it! But for right now it is Cytoxan/Deramaxx/Doxycycline. Plus the I’m Yunity mushroom.
Momma says that this metronomic protocol seemed to work for us for a while before. It is just that the Piroxicam took its toll on my tummy the last time. We are hoping the doxy doesn’t bother my tummy. So we are taking it on a full tummy full of food.
Well Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Don’t forget to be thankful that you are pulling dog hairs out of your gravy!
PS – Dada and Momma also found a lump on my side, but the doc thinks it is just a fatty lipoma. Definitely a different feel than the lump on the back of my neck.
Here’s a few pics, because Momma got a new camera. She’s always shoving it in somebody’s face!

And because people just BEGGED for them, here are the humiliating pictures from Halloween: